Rolling Meadows Moving Violations Defense Lawyer

Traffic Ticket Defense Attorney for Cook County and DuPage County
When you get a traffic ticket for speeding, running a stop sign, or some other driving violation, you might figure that the best thing to do is just check "guilty" on the back of the ticket and pay the fine. After all, you can probably request court supervision. As long as you do not get another ticket during the supervision period, the charges will be dismissed, and you will not have a conviction on your driving record. It will all just be faster and cheaper just to pay the ticket. Right? Wrong.
There are many good reasons to seek the assistance of a traffic ticket defense lawyer:
- Some common traffic offenses, such as driving 26 to 34 miles per hour over the speed limit, are Class B misdemeanors, punishable by up to 180 days in jail and/or a fine up to $1,500. Other offenses, such as driving 35 mph or more over the speed limit, are Class A misdemeanors, punishable by up to a year in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,500. These offenses require a court appearance, where you will want to have a lawyer. (625 ILCS 5/11-601.5)
- If you live in the Chicago area, your auto insurance premiums are already high. Moving violation convictions can cause the insurance companies to increase your rates or even drop you.
- If you earn a living by driving, your job may require you to keep a clean record. A single ticket could cost you your job.
- Many traffic offenses are not eligible for court supervision, and fighting the ticket is the only way to keep a conviction off your record.
- If this would be your third conviction in less than a year, you are at risk of having your driver's license suspended. Getting your license back after a suspension can be very time-consuming and costly.
- If you are under 21, your license can be suspended for just two moving violation convictions in a 24-month period.
Hartsfield Law can provide the legal defense you need to keep your driving record clean. We stay up-to-date on the latest traffic law issues. We know the current law enforcement and court practices related to moving violations, which can vary significantly by county. Our services include helping you determine the best strategy for your situation and negotiating with the local prosecutor on your behalf. You can count on Hartsfield Law to provide a smart, decisive defense for any moving violation in Cook County or DuPage County.
Moving Violations We Can Help With
While not a complete list, here are some of the common moving violations that we can help you fight:
- Speeding & aggravated speeding tickets
- Driving with a suspended or revoked license
- Reckless driving
- Speeding in a construction zone or school zone
- CDL tickets
- Distracted driving, such as texting while driving
- Failure to obey a traffic signal, stop sign, or railroad crossing barrier
- Improper lane usage
- Leaving the scene of an accident
- Fleeing or eluding the police
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Driving without insurance
- Failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident
- Failure to yield to emergency vehicles
How Long Will a Traffic Ticket Stay on My Driving Record?
Moving violation convictions will continue to appear on your Illinois driving record, which is maintained by the Secretary of State's office for four to five years from the date of conviction. When a ticket forms the basis for a suspension or revocation of your driver's license, that conviction will stay on your record for a minimum of seven years after your driver's license is reinstated. Alcohol and drug offenses such as driving Under the Influence will stay on your driving record for your lifetime.
Call a Rolling Meadows Traffic Violations Defense Lawyer
If you need to contest a ticket issued in Cook County or DuPage County, call an experienced Rolling Meadows ticket defense lawyer as soon as possible. The knowledgeable staff at Hartsfield Law can help you fight any moving violation or traffic citation, whether it came from a city police officer, county deputy sheriff, or state trooper. We can often negotiate for a reduction or even dismissal of the charges against you, and we are well prepared to argue your case in court if necessary. To schedule a meeting at one of our offices in Chicago, Oakbrook Terrace, or Rolling Meadows, or for a quick, free phone consult, contact Hartsfield Law at 312-345-1700.