Rolling Meadows Assault and Battery Lawyer

Criminal Defense Attorney for Assault and Battery Charges in DuPage County
If you are charged with assault or battery in Illinois, you are probably facing some serious consequences. Assault and battery are actually two separate offenses.
Assault includes aggravated assault and simple assault. In order to be charged with assault, you do not have to come into physical contact with the other person, but there may have been a reasonable belief that physical harm or battery was going to occur. Aggravated assault is when a simple assault is combined with the use of a deadly weapon.
Battery differs from assault in that it involves physical contact. The Illinois law states:
A person commits battery if he or she knowingly without legal justification by any means (1) causes bodily harm to an individual or (2) makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with an individual.
Aggravated battery means the victim suffered great bodily harm or even permanent disability.
Battery Defense Lawyer in Cook County, IL
There are a variety of consequences for assault and battery, ranging from jail time to hefty fines and mandatory community service. Probation may be available in certain situations. The following shows the classification for each offense:
- Aggravated Assault – Class A misdemeanor, Class 3 felony, or Class 4 felony
- Aggravated Battery – Class 1 felony, Class 2 felony, or Class 3 felony.
- Aggravated Battery to a Child – Class X felony
- Aggravated Battery with a Firearm – Class X felony
- Assault – Class C misdemeanor
- Battery – Class A misdemeanor
A Class A misdemeanor carries a sentence of jail time for up to 364 days and a fine of up to $2,500. A Class 3 felony has a jail sentence of up to five years and a fine that can extend to $25,000. If the assault and battery charge is also considered to be domestic violence, there are additional consequences and even harsher sentences. A conviction of aggravated battery with a firearm can lead to a prison sentence of up to 60 years.
An assault or battery conviction has extremely serious and harsh consequences, which is why you need to seek the legal counsel of an experienced and proficient criminal defense attorney. Hartsfield Law has the necessary skills and experience to help defend his clients' freedom and protect their legal rights.
If you have questions, contact us today for a free consultation at 312-345-1700. We serve clients throughout the Chicago area including DuPage County, Will County, and Cook County.