Will I Be on the Sex Offender Registry if I Am Accused of a Sex Crime?
The sex offender registry is a list of people who have been convicted of certain sex crimes. The list is published online, and anyone can search it to see if someone has been convicted of a sex crime. As you can imagine, being included on the sex offender registry can have serious consequences for a person’s reputation and future opportunities.
When someone is listed on the Illinois sex offender registry, they must comply with certain restrictions and follow a specific set of rules. For example, an individual accused of a sex crime involving a minor may be prohibited from living near a school or public park.
If you were arrested for an alleged sex crime, it is crucial that you understand your rights and legal options. Speak to a sex crime defense lawyer for personalized legal support.
Illinois Offenses that Require Registry on the Sex Offender List
Before discussing the crimes that require sex offender registration, it is important to note that a criminal conviction is not the same thing as being charged with a crime. When someone is charged with a crime, they are formally accused of committing the crime. However, in the United States, all individuals are assumed innocent until proven guilty. You will have the opportunity to defend yourself against the charges and tell your side of the story. If you are acquitted of the offense, you will not be required to register on the sex offender list.
A conviction for a sex crime involving a child typically requires registration on the sex offender registry. The following offenses are just some of the crimes that require registration:
Indecent Solicitation of a Child
Soliciting for a Juvenile Prostitute
Exploitation of a Child
Child Pornography
Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault of a Child
First Degree Murder of a Child
Forcible Detention, if the victim is under age 18
Certain sex crimes against adults also require registration on the sex offender list, including:
Criminal Sexual Assault
Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault
Criminal Sexual Abuse
Public Indecency for a third or subsequent conviction
Sexual Misconduct with a Person with a Disability
This list is not exhaustive, and you should speak to a sex crime defense lawyer if you have questions about your specific situation.
Contact Rolling Meadows Sex Crime Defense Lawyer Kendall D. Hartsfield
A conviction for sexual assault or another sex crime can lead to mandatory registration on the sex offender registry, steep fines, jail time, and severe damage to your reputation. Our Chicago criminal defense lawyer is committed to helping clients charged with sex crimes and other offenses. Schedule a free, confidential initial consultation by calling 312-345-1700 today.