How Can a Juvenile Record Affect Me as an Adult in Illinois?
Making mistakes is part of growing up, and unfortunately, some of those mistakes can result in run-ins with the law. Judgments of juvenile delinquency, while typically not considered criminal convictions in Illinois, can still have consequences that last into your adult life. If you have a juvenile record, it is important to understand how those consequences can affect you, as well as what you may be able to do to avoid them through expungement.
Possible Consequences of an Illinois Juvenile Record
There is a wide range of potential consequences that come with a record of juvenile delinquency, including:
- Public Access to Records: If your juvenile offense involves first-degree murder, sexual assault, gang-related activity, or certain drug and firearm charges, your record may be accessible to the public.
- College Enrollment and Military Enlistment: You may be required to disclose judgments of delinquency when applying for college or enlisting in the military, which can affect your acceptance or eligibility.
- Employment Opportunities: Law enforcement agencies, correctional facilities, prosecutor’s offices, and fire departments may consider a juvenile record in the decision to hire an employee.
- Registration as a Sex Offender: For actions that would be considered a criminal sex offense for an adult, juveniles must register as sex offenders in Illinois.
- Collection of DNA: If your judgment of juvenile delinquency was for a sex offense or the equivalent of a felony, you will be required to submit a DNA sample, which is stored in a database along with DNA from adult offenders.
- License to Carry a Firearm: You may be denied a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card or have yours revoked if you have a judgment of delinquency for an offense that would be considered a felony for an adult.
- Admission in Adult Criminal Proceedings: Judgments of juvenile delinquency can be admitted in criminal court if you face charges as an adult, and they may affect the severity of your sentence or your eligibility for certain second-chance programs.
Having Your Juvenile Record Expunged in Illinois
The good news is that is possible to petition for the expungement of many juvenile records. Upon your 18th birthday or the end of any juvenile court proceedings against you, you may be eligible to expunge records of arrests and charges if:
- They did not result in a judgment of delinquency
- You successfully completed orders of court supervision
- Your judgment was equivalent to a Class B or C misdemeanor or petty offense
After age 21 or five years since your last juvenile court proceeding, you can also petition for expungement of any remaining juvenile records except those resulting in criminal court proceedings or involving first-degree murder or felony sex offenses, as long as you have no criminal convictions since your 18th birthday.
Contact a Rolling Meadows Criminal Defense Attorney
At Hartsfield Law, we can help you expunge your juvenile record, as well as represent you as an adult if you are facing criminal charges with a juvenile record. We strive to provide our clients with the best defense possible to avoid unnecessary charges and sentences. Contact an Oakbrook Terrace criminal defense lawyer at 312-345-1700 to schedule a free consultation.